  • Conserve water to reduce the amount of wastewater that must be treated and disposed.
  • Repair any leaking faucets and toilets.
  • Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Food waste, grease, etc. should be disposed of in the solid waste bin.
  • Divert down spouts and other surface water away from your drain field.
  • Keep your septic tank cover accessible for tank inspections and pumping.
  • Have your septic tank pumped regularly and checked for leaks and cracks.
  • Call a professional when you have problems.
  • Use cleaning products that are non-chlorine, non-toxic, biodegradable, and non-corrosive.
  • Spread wash loads out over the week. Your aerobic system needs four hours to recover from one wash load. Never use detergents with "built-in" bleach.
  • Do use detergents that are low-suds, low in phosphates, and biodegradable with washing soda ingredients. Fabric softener dryer sheets are recommended.


  • Flush sanitary napkins, tampons, disposable diapers, condoms, wipes, and such products into your system.
  • Dump solvents, oils, paints, thinners, disinfectants, pesticides, or poisons down the drain. They can disrupt the treatment process and contaminate groundwater.
  • Dig in your drainfield or build anything over it.
  • Plant anything over your drainfield except grass.
  • Drive over your drainfield or compact the soil in any way.
  • Discard pharmaceutical medications
  • Do not dispose of citrus products: oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc...
  • Do not connect other water sources to the system.
  • Pool chlorine will deteriorate the coating off of all the wires and possibly cause corrosion in the control box. Use Aerobic System Chlorine Tablets only. The use of pool chlorine in aerobic systems is a violation of Federal Law.
  • Water softener discharge kills the micro-organisms in your aerobic treatment system and/or causes excessive water loading.
  • Do not dispose of alcoholic beverages or home brewery waste.